FragNet is set up to provide young researchers (Early Stage Researchers – ESRs) with dedicated training. The ESRs were trained as a cohort in the following network-wide FragNet workshops with the aim of educating and training the next generation of FBLD researchers who will need a multidisciplinary and intersectoral skill set.
Workshop 1: University of York, United Kingdom (September 2019)
FragNet Kick-off Meeting, Overview of fragment-base drug discovery
Workshop 2: Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands (June 2017)
Synthetic Chemistry, Drug Discovery Simulation
Workshop 3: University of Barcelona, Spain (January 2018)
Computational Methods
Workshop 4: Research Centre for Natural Sciences-Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary (August 2018)
Lead Optimisation
Workshop 5: University of Cambridge, United Kingdom (February 2019)
Presentations at the 7th RSC-BMCS Fragment-based Drug Discovery meeting
Workshop 6: Novartis, Switzerland (June 2019)
Dissemination, Transferable Skills
All workshops share the same three elements:
1) progress meeting – exchange of latest results, updates (together with supervisors and PIs);
2) training on scientific topics, including practical courses;
3) training on transferable skills.
Contact details
Please contact us at:
FRAGNET Coordinator
VU University Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Funded by
Marie Curie Actions
EU Horizon 2020
European Union