Hanna Francesca Klein
Hanna Klein (Marie Curie Early Stage Researcher)– completed her MSc research on the Synthesis of Antifolates in the Department of Chemistry at the University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa. At the end of 2013, she joined Endocyte Inc.; an American biopharmaceutical company situated within Purdue University’s Research Park. As a member of their Discovery Chemistry research group she worked on the development of Small Molecule Drug Conjugates (SMDCs) as part of their targeted therapy approach for the treatment of cancer and inflammatory diseases. More specifically she was involved in the early stage synthesis of various targeting ligands and peptidic/carbohydrate based spacer units as well as in their conjugation to cytoxic agents. She is currently completing her PhD studies on the Design and Synthesis of Novel 3D Lead-Like Compounds under the supervision of Professor O’Brien and Professor Hubbard at the University of York, UK.
Project: ESR2: Novel 3D fragments
Academic supervisor : Prof. dr. Peter O’Brien and Prof. dr. Rod Hubbard (University of York)
Contact details
Please contact us at:
FRAGNET Coordinator
VU University Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Funded by
Marie Curie Actions
EU Horizon 2020
European Union