Dr. Jacqueline van Muijlwijk
Dr. Jacqueline van Muijlwijk– assistant professor in Medicinal Chemistry research group and educational director Dr Jacqueline van Muijlwijk did her PhD research in a joint project between the Department of Pharmacochemistry, VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands, with Leiden University, the Netherlands. Her interest is the combination of medicinal chemistry research and innovation of science education. She got experience in teaching at all levels and in several disciplines: high school, higher education (applied sciences) , undergraduates and graduates. In 2006 she was the coordinator of a consortium of >30 high schools, 2 schools for applied sciences and 2 universities in Amsterdam in the field of natural sciences. Dr. van Muijlwijk was co-founder of (member of the MT of the department of Chemistry and Pharmaceutical sciences) and involved in the development of the bachelor programme Science Business and Innovation (SBI). In 2010 she became managing director of the Amsterdam Institute for Molecules, Medicines and Systems. From 2013 she is educational director of bachelor and master programmes in Pharmaceutical Sciences.
Contact details
Please contact us at:
FRAGNET Coordinator
VU University Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Funded by
Marie Curie Actions
EU Horizon 2020
European Union