2018-January: Host organization University of Barcelona (ES)

The third FRAGNET workshop was held in Barcelona from January 22-26, 2018. Workshops were held in the Aula Magna, the historical building of the University of Barcelona and the faculty of Pharmacy.

Day 1: Progress presentations of all the FragNet ESRs.

Day 2: Consultation with the Research Exectuvie Agency (REA) of the EU

Day 3: Scienitific conference with practitioners in FBDD. Guests included Dan Erlanson from Carmot Therapeutics and author of the famous Practical Fragments blog, Chris Murray from Astex Therapeutics, Jerry Sandmark from Astrazeneca, Chun-wa Chung from Glaxosmithkline, John Overington from Catapult and Anthony Bradley from XChem.

Day 4: Sessions on computational chemistry. Hands on sessions were conducted on Docking and molecular dynamics

Day 5: Talks on valorization of research with an intellectual property expert.

Contact details

Please contact us at:

FRAGNET Coordinator
VU University Amsterdam
The Netherlands

Funded by

Marie Curie Actions

EU Horizon 2020

European Union